Saturday, October 4, 2008

Giving Feels Good!

I am loving this giving challenge! I have given away a jar of homemade blueberry jam, a stack of magazines (I was saving them to go through and tear out pix or recipes I wanted to keep, but I decided to just give them away without even going through them! I have a friend who is building a house and I thought she might enjoy looking through them for ideas), clothes I no longer wear and the biggest brownie (Tanner and I were home by ourselves and thought we'd have a brownie so I gave him the biggest one leaving myself the microscopic crumb known as the other brownie).
I want to challenge myself to give away things that aren't so easy to part with. It's easy to give away things that you don't like or don't use anymore. Parting with clothes that I haven't worn in over a year wasn't that hard! I almost feel like it's cheating! This week I want to concentrate more on giving away things that are more meaningful to me. I'm not an overly materialistic person so giving away 'things' won't be that difficult for me. Having to give away my time is another story! We shall see...

*This is a picture of the church my grandma grew up in. I took this picture and had it blown up and framed for her for Christmas a couple of years ago. She was surprised as this is a two-hour drive away. She hung it up almost immediately. It's amazing how something so simple and easy can mean so much. I love it!


laurel said...

I was just saying the same thing to Stacy today...that I wanted to really push myself to give things that were hard to part with. I want to really grow and stretch in this challenge and not hold tightly to what I consider "mine" but give generously and freely and really consider what would bless other people, rather than myself.
I am enjoying this challenge more than any other that I have done. It really puts a fresh perspective on everything and it feels so good to give!

amyers said...

That green sweater would be a great place to start! I'm just trying to help you out!
But, that "August" picture would be nice too!

Paula said...

I think the object is not only giving but of not hoarding, which is what I do. Life could be so much simpler and if you think of Jesus and His disciples, they only had the shirts on their backs. They trusted God to provide for there every need. If we didn't have so much stuff, we'd be freer to go out and do for others. Just laundry, dusting, sweeping or moping, etc. Just a thought!