Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Elvis Lives (if only to Tanner)!

Many of you know that Tanner loves Elvis. He is almost eight and knows the words to more Elvis songs than the average person. I think it started with the movie Lilo and Stitch and grew from there with some help from his two papas. Thanks alot Papa Roy for the Elvis CD! I only have to hear it every day of my life! I'm scared I'm going to sprout sideburns!! The other day we were singing the Doxology in the car and when we finished he said very quietly, as if not even to really be heard, "thank you, thank you very much"!

Well, yesterday I booked our room at none other than the Heartbreak Hotel! Tanner heard about Graceland on TV a while back and immediately put in to go. We planned on going in September but when I called to book our room, there were no rooms available. I gave Tanner a choice of either staying somewhere else and still going in September or waiting until late October, early November and getting to stay at the Heartbreak Hotel (he calls it the Elvis hotel). He actually chose to wait!! So, we're off to see "The King" in November. It's not anywhere Mike and I ever really wanted to go, but to see his excitement will be fun!

1 comment:

Paula said...

That's my boy. I can't wait to go. Only Tanner can say the things he says. If only the past comments could have been recorded due to "out of the mouth of babes".